Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stupid Cancer Young Adult Summit OMG 2013

 Since last year's summit, all I could think about was going to Paris Casino and buying one of those Eiffel Tower strawberry daiquiris. The reason why, is because last year I was in no position to buy one of those daiquiris. It was my first year going to a conference that would connect me with other young adult cancer survivors, actually discuss my feelings as a young adult cancer survivor, and find resources I didn't know existed to help me as a young adult cancer survivor.

Last year's summit was amazing, but all encompassing for me. I had never been to Las Vegas, so I tried to cram way too many things into the weekend.

This year, I wasn't going to let that happen. I purposefully didn't schedule tickets for theatre productions or attractions. I didn't even focus on finding the "best buffet on the strip." I went all in for this summit. I decided to be fully present. That was the best decision I could have possibly made.

This year, I went to break out sessions I didn't think I wanted to go to last year. I went to cancer as chronic, survivors guilt, and the just for girls session. You see last year, I was in the middle of writing my book and completely focused on health care legislation and insurance issues regarding my journey. I published the book last year, so this year I was free to focus on my emotions surrounding my journey.
And boy did those emotions pop out of nowhere. I actually cried for the first time in a long time. I even caught myself with wobbly voice when I spoke to others.

This year was cathartic for me-- but it was also incredibly fun. If you're even remotely considering going to this conference next year-- Do It! You'll meet great people, you'll reconnect with yourself, and you'll learn so much that you didn't even realize you might have wanted to know.


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